1. Will give them opportunities to fulfill their hearts' desire to reach the lost.
2. Will give them a measure of health and protection that will best glorify Him.
3. Will grant them grace to overcome the difficulties that may come their way.
4. Will encourage them in the work so that they are not frustrated by setbacks.
5. Will give them unconquerable determination to go through every obstacle with Him as their guide.
6. Will allocate to them time to pray and study their Bibles.
7. Will provide religious freedom in the countries to which they are led.
8. Will help the presentation of the Gospel to be understood by those listening to it.
9. Will restrain their activities in order that they might have the time and energy to accomplish His work.
10. Will encourage them to discipline themselves in their Bible study and preparation of Bible lessons.
11. Will help them overcome temptation.
12. Will give them strength, wisdom, and guidance in bringing up their children in a foreign culture.
13. Will cause their Bible Classes to be effective.
14. Will help their new converts in the field to grow spiritually.
15. Will give them grace to overcome the loneliness, irritations, and misunderstandings which may arise because
of the environment, culture and circumstances.
16. Will give wisdom so that the efforts that they put forth are for Him and not for self.
17. Will provide for their material needs.
18. Will provide the financial support for ministry needs.
19. Will give guidance in knowing what to do and in planning when to do it.
20. Will give enough fruit for their labors that they will stay encouraged.
21. Will give them insight into the foreign culture so they might not be obnoxious or insensitive.
22. Will provide protection from those who hate them because they are foreigners and Christians.
23. Will strengthen them spiritually so they can stick with their decision to serve the Lord in a foreign
24. Will keep them humble when they are tempted to pride in comparing themselves to the people they minister